Medical Staffing
With Quality In Mind

We provide facilities like yours with qualified, vetted, and compassionate healthcare professionals to fill temporary and long-term staffing needs.


Short staffing is a prevalent and complex issue that many healthcare facilities face. Staffing shortages put a strain on healthcare professionals and put administrators in a tough position. So when short staffing issues arise, they need to be dealt with immediately!

At Your Service Medical Staffing, Inc. is proud to provide long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, home health providers, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities throughout Texas with professional healthcare workers to fill staffing needs for roles such as:

  • Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Licensed Practical Nurses
  • Registered Nurses


Are you sick of working double-shifts? Are you tired of getting home and having no energy for your friends, family, and loved ones? Do you feel overwhelmed? If so, then you’re not alone.

Healthcare professionals are often overworked, drained, and in need of a much-deserved vacation. When you work with At Your Service Medical Staffing we give you the power to take control of your schedule and manage your time. If you’re a healthcare professional seeking work-life balance, we can help!


We work with a range of facilities in Dallas-Fort Worth and throughout the state of Texas to provide medical professionals that are:


We vet our workers beforehand to provide you with the qualified employees that your facility deserves.


We are intentional about employing caring and dedicated medical professionals who offer your patients unparalleled care and compassionate service.


We know that reliability is key when staffing your facility, which is why we staff your immediate and long-term needs with reliable medical professionals who show up on time and conduct their work with the utmost professionalism.


At Your Service Medical Staffing, Inc. is founded on quality and dependability that reflect in all our services. Whether you are a nurse looking for employment, or an administrator trying to fill your staffing needs, we meet you where you are at with qualified and dependable services that outweigh our competitors.